I haven’t updated this blog in a long while for many reasons, but mostly it was because I stopped believing I could really make a difference. I felt that these topics are too polarizing, that they inspired feelings of anger and hatred towards its messengers and that nobody really wanted to hear what I had to say nor see what I had to share. Furthermore, the corporate media has done an excellent job in dehumanizing and discrediting concerned folks like me, so that anything said or written questioning their narrative is automatically labelled as “ignore this at all costs”. Because you never want to be caught listening to these crazy, selfish, anti-vax conspiracy theorists, do you? In frustration, and later acceptance, I told myself: “your speaking out is a waste of time – shift your focus elsewhere”. And that’s what I did. I shut up and focused on building a self-sufficient lifestyle, preparing for the inevitable crash.
Essentially, I started censoring myself. I let my insecurities get in the way. And perhaps that is what I needed at that time – I needed to retreat, rebuild, do some inner, heart-and-soul work. And here I am, re-emerging, insecurities banished. The outside environment has not really changed much – the topics I feel called to speak out about are still polarizing, they still inspire feelings of anger and hatred towards the messengers, and many people don’t really want to hear what I have to say. But inside, my confidence and passion has grown, I found more of my people, and none of those external influences bother me as much anymore. Also, I leveled up on an important skill: how to not be attached to the outcome of any speaking-out endeavor. I realize my task is simply to speak my truth – not to convince anyone or change anyone’s mind. I have to admit, it helps a lot too that there is a ton of undeniable evidence now, that the narratives the corporate media and BigPharma are pushing about the so-called pandemic are false, and that the covid shots are not safe or effective. There is undeniable evidence that these injections are quite dangerous and have caused a lot of harm. I felt the call again, the call to speak out. But I resisted for a while, until that day I learned that the FDA approved the Pfizer booster shot, even when it was clear as crystal that their advisory committee warned against it. That was the catalyst. It was simply not an option for me to stay quiet about that. Especially as our government and its health agencies are gearing up to “approving” these jabs for very young children. This is demonic, to say the least.
Today I want to share with you one of the text conversations I had, because it is quite telling of the times we’re in, and shines a light on the limitations of allopathic medicine. This illuminating conversation was with an acquaintance, a medical doctor I met at an in-person gathering a few months ago. Here we go…
Me: FYI Doc…
I saw last week that the FDA approved the Pfizer booster shots under the Emergency Use Authorization. I find this very concerning because just a few days before, they had a public meeting where the majority of the advisory committee voted No to these boosters. Here is an article about the advisory meeting:
And you can watch or listen to the committee meeting from the FDA’s YouTube channel via the link below. It is an 8-hour meeting, but if you forward to 4 hours and 17 minutes in, you can listen to the testimonies referred to in the article.
This is the press release from the FDA about the “approval”. They have clearly ignored what transpired in the meeting.
Doc: We check antibody levels and if getting low then they need to consider getting a booster
Me: Please watch the FDA committee meeting doc 🙏🏼 it is very concerning. These boosters are not safe. And the vaccines aren’t either. Thousands of deaths and injuries from the covid shots now as documented on the VAERS database. My dad was one of the victims harmed by these rushed vaccines, that are not even vaccines. They are an experimental gene therapy.
Happy to send you more info.
Doc: Unfortunately we see more and more people dying. My friend at the hospital is running a code every 2 hrs these r younger people too on their 30-40s. I lost my handyman bec he didn’t not text me. We were able to give the monoclonal antibody to his wife who made it. Be careful with the delta variant. Very contagious and unlike the first one. You feel good and u think u can fight it off but by 5-7 days they crash and its too late. We have testing at the clinic so we can catch them early and treat them early.
I am a Trumper and i have telegram so i am well aware of what is going on the right wing side. I blame the demoncrats for all of whats going on. If people r just honest and balance because of the MSM. We have to resort to underground media and sometimes u just dont know who to believe anymore.
If your hubby can get me richer w bitcoin though. Let me now. 😂 i will gamble a couple thousands.
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Was he in the Philippines w/c vaccine
Me: Yes my dad was in the Philippines. He had the Sinovac, which is not mRNA. But the adjuvant is aluminum. Who knows how much aluminum. Anyway, after his first does he had a gout flare-up within the same day. My mom said it’s the worst he’d ever had. She asked my dad’s doc if it could be a side effect of the vaccine and he said no. So my dad went for his second dose, and the same thing happened – severe gout flare up. Four weeks later my dad died of a heart attack. He was dead upon arrival at the hospital. My mom asked the doc at the hospital to report the incident to the Department of Health as a possible adverse reaction to the vaccine. The doc said she will report it.
I am sorry about your handyman 😔 Have you listened to Dr Peter Mcoullough and other docs who are speaking out against the covid jabs?
This is beyond politics
And the media is owned by the big pharmaceutical companies so we cannot expect them to be honest and unbiased
Yes more people are getting sick and dying, but are these jabs really the solution? There is undeniable evidence now that they are causing harm – why haven’t they been recalled yet? Does the Hippocratic Oath say “first do no harm?”
What tests are you using in the clinic?
Please help me understand. How is the delta variant identified? How can you tell someone is infected with the delta variant specifically? And how do you know that is what is causing the person to be ill?
What is monoclonal antibody?
Doc: Instead of waiting for ur body to make the antibodies. They’re there already. Ready to fight the covid. My mother was the very first recipient of Regeneron here in Corbin. Then they have to change the formulary to cover for the delta variant.
Me: What are the ingredients of Regeneron?
Doc: Same monoclonal antibody. I dont deal w Covid much. Not my field sorry. We have the rapid antigen test at office. But they have more extensive confirmatory test at the BHC. I don’t think they ran specific test for the delta strain on everybody.
Doctors who have looked into this are saying that the virus we call “covid” has never been purified and isolated, meaning no one has shown or proven that it exists and is the cause of illness. (Dr Cowan explains this clearly in this excellent podcast interview: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0yn69TbM3d3IKGkJ8MChde?si=gx_smnirSNWtHpPLTp-4lA&dl_branch=1)
So my question has always been: if the virus has never been isolated, then what are the covid tests testing for? Well, just a few weeks ago the CDC themselves quietly admitted that the covid tests don’t test for the presence of the virus. (See https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/the-cdc-fda-con-and-crime-that-drove-millions-of-lives-and-economies-into-ruin-the-pcr-test/ for a summary plus links to the CDC sources)
So how do they know then that “cases” are rising? And how do they know people are “dying of covid”? Also, if they have never isolated the alleged original covid virus, then how can they begin to even tell that someone has the delta variant? I have not found any satisfactory answers to these fundamental questions.
As I mentioned before, the covid jabs are not vaccines. They are experimental gene therapies that alter our DNA. Apart from misleading the public into trusting a new, experimental drug, the manufacturers call it a vaccine so it can fall under the umbrella of the Supreme Court decision back in 1986 to remove all liability from vaccine manufacturers. Since then, if someone gets injured from a vaccine, that person cannot sue the vaccine maker. Instead the government will pay for the damages via the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – in other words the burden was transferred to the tax payer. Total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4.6 billion (Source: https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vaccine-compensation/data/data-statistics-report.pdf).
Another important thing is that there are many effective therapeutics against respiratory illnesses but these have been aggressively suppressed and censored, because by law there cannot be a “vaccine” for an illness if other treatments are available. It is all very corrupt and goes much deeper.
The government’s own Vaccine Adverse Reporting System (VAERS) shows that as of Sept 17, 2021 there have been 16,436 deaths and 783,664 adverse events attributed to the covid jabs. I created these short URLs for you if you want to see all the entries for yourself: bit.ly/vaersdeaths and bit.ly/vaersinjuries. Also, listen to Dr Northrup about this here: odyshttps://odysee.com/vs-northrup:6
That video of Dr Northrup is part of a documentary series about the covid jabs. I can send you a link to it if you want to hear more from these docs who are speaking out. You may also be interested in this Summary of Findings by the Corona Investigative Committee: https://www.bitchute.com/video/n7l67ufU9FJl/
As for the monoclonal antibody therapy, where are the studies that show the long-term safety of introducing synthetic antibodies to the body? How do we know this won’t cause autoimmune disease in the future? Or cancer? Do we even know what’s in this stuff? Since healing and reversing several health issues in my family solely through natural means, I always check the ingredients in anything we put in and on our bodies. Because toxins compromise the integrity of our microbiome, the healthy balance of which determines the resilience of our immune systems. I check ingredients in food, skin products, cleaning products, even potting soil. Before I buy food, I even ask farmers how they grow their meat and what they feed their animals. I ask farmers if they use poison (pesticides/herbicides) or chemical/artificial fertilizers in growing their fruits and vegetables. Our food is only as nutritious as the soil it is grown in, so if it is grown in chemical fertilizers then that is what you get. I’m very wary of vaccines and similar therapies mainly because of their ingredients. The manufacturers of the covid jab have not even disclosed all the ingredients, because it is only approved via emergency use and are still in trial phases. The vaccines that we have been injecting into children for many years have ingredients that Poison Control would be very concerned about if I asked them if I could feed these to my kids, so I don’t expect these new drugs to be much better. (Source: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdf)
Thank you, if you’ve read this far. I have one more tidbit to send separately below. Have a good Thursday, doc.
This is in reference to the image attached to my last message on the efficacy of the covid jabs:
Doc: Something is causing people to have Acut Respiratory Distress Syndrom (ARDS) and die. I dont think vaccine provides total protection like the flu shots but it can prevent someone from getting the worst case scenario. Until then if u r not vaccinated u r taking the risk of dying. Sinovac never really protected people of the Philippines from not getting the delta. But it may have alleviated people from dying.
Me: I can tell from your message that you have not seen the government’s own data on adverse reactions to the covid jabs. I can actually die or get injured from taking the vaccine, which I should take because it will reduce my risk of dying?
I have provided your with well-referenced information above. That is all I can do. It is not up to me whether or not you look into the concerns I raised or the evidence I put forward. And I will not feel bad if you choose not to. I’m just a messenger. We are not so different. Like you, I am a human being concerned for the health of my fellow human beings.
Sinovac provided no protection but it contributed to my dad’s death. Now that’s a bad deal if I ever saw one.
Doc: I don’t force my patients-to get vaccinated. For me thats a personal decision. I don’t agree with the vaccine passports like where the current administration is proposing. There’s a lot of things we don’t know about Covid.
Me: I agree, it’s a personal decision. My concern is that people are making the decision to vaccinate without proper informed consent. They are told the vaccine is safe and effective, which is lie, as I’ve clearly shown in my previous messages. I believe that every human being deserves to know what they are putting into their body (including its true risks and benefits) before they consent to any medical procedure.
Doc: Just make sure you know when to ask for help. Dr Atienza had a couple of anti vaxxed that got covid and its good that they asked for help. One beg for it he said “pls help me. I am a sick puppy”. My handyman did ask for help but it was too late. He was the bread winner and now his wife, daughters and grandkids got no source of income.
I did not find it necessary to reply to his last message above. So that was the end of that. Even though he didn’t seem to look at any of the information I sent him, I’m happy that he engaged with me. He didn’t flat out ignore me like many people have. I appreciate that. I definitely learned a lot from the conversation – about how people think (or not think).
A day or so later I saw this article by Alec Zeck, which I felt was very confirming. He basically did the same thing, but on a much larger, scale, and he was successful. Worth a read. This essay by Charles Eisenstein was also recently brought to my attention. These synchronicities are big little messages from angels.
Love to all.