Have you ever lived a life
In which you are often told
That what you are doing is strange
How you are doing it is wrong
What you like is not quite right
That how you are *being* is odd
That what brings you joy can wait ’til later?
Once you’ve finished school
Once you’ve done All The Things
On that never ending list
No, not yet
You can’t move this way or that
Until all your ducks are lined up in a row
Until all your thoughts are organized in a neat little essay
Have you been told in different ways
That you’re not enough
Or that you are too much?
Have you bent and sculpted yourself to try and fit into shapes
Determined by their changing expectations?
Have you been shown that you are only loveable
If you do A and B and X, Y, Z?
If you agree. If you disagree?
What if I told you
That Every Single Thing they said and did
Was simply a projection of themselves in those moments?
Every thing they said belongs to them
And them alone
Those words, those expectations, those energies
They are not yours
They are theirs.
Oh sweet one,
What You tell yourself, though
That’s yours
It’s all yours
If it doesn’t serve you, you can change it
If it nourishes you, you can cultivate it
This is your power, your energy
Claim it back, you can play with it
It’s yours
All yours.
Speak to yourself kindly
With all the love in your heart
That part of you that falls apart
And the one that falls in love
Yes, even that judgemental part of you, who labels emotions and thoughts as bad and good
And the one who doubts your every step
Give her your attention, send her your love
All the pieces of you deserve to be seen by you
Deserve to be loved by you
There is nothing wrong or broken
You are perfect just the way you are
In this moment
You are capable of anything and everything
Love yourself deeply
Because the whole world, the whole universe
Is not out there on the outside
It is right here, within you
When you learn to love yourself
You get to Know yourself
And once you *know* who you are
You become unshakeable
And then, you arrive at a blissful sense of peace
And an unwavering trust
That every one is exactly where they need to be