You need not worry about me
I am unbreakable
I am whole
And so are you
So are you
I could tell you many stories
Of the ashes I rose from
But it wouldn’t really matter
Because those stories are not me
They only showed me what is true
They only showed me what I’m made of
They reminded me of who I am
So that I may stand firm, unshakeable
Bending gracefully with the winds
I can take these energies
Of pain, of fear, of lack,
Of rage and grief
I can dance with them
And hold them as a ball of light in my hands
I can look at them with intention
Blessing them with love
And at the very next moment
I can transform them
Into the brightest light you’ve ever seen
Light which I offer to the ether,
The rivers, the oceans
And to the earth beneath my feet
The magic of the alchemist
Is one that is within me
And one that is within you
You need not worry
You can Trust
You are loved, so very loved