Hi everyone! I’d like to share with you today about a business I started, in which I get to spread the word about the biggest breakthrough in the health and wellness space that we will see in our lifetime. It is the only technology in the world that can increase, clarify and amplify how the cells in your body communicate with each other. Any challenge you can think of we are seeing astonishing results. This cutting edge technology is the only thing out there that is native to the human body. It increases the effectiveness of the glutathione that your body makes, by 500 to 800%. It is therefore the most immediate way to boost natural glutathione substantially that we know. Glutathione is the master antioxidant. Low glutathione levels are associated with over 200 diseases or conditions – if you would like a list of those, send me a message and I’ll share that with you. My mission is to get this information out there, because I know that it will help people who are struggling with their health, I’ve heard so many stories of lives changed. This is also for people who aim for optimal health or improved athletic performance. This is going to be a household name in the near future. I envision a world where vibrant health is the norm. To thrive here in this abundant earth is your birthright. I know this sounds too good to be true, but all breakthroughs are that way. Please help me spread the word. If this is not for you, it may be really helpful to someone you know, someone you love who has been praying for something like this. Now I don’t get a lot of reach on these accounts. If you’re seeing this and it’s resonating with you, I invite you to reach out to me – I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you prefer to dive deeper on your own, please see the redox page on my website, wildflower.cloud/redox.
If you are more scientifically-minded, you’ll appreciate the following resources:
Why ASEA? (25-minute video)
John Bash discusses what makes ASEA Redox in a category all on its own.